When it comes to the forms your business uses, there are two aspects that are critical to consider.  The first is what correctly designed forms, specifically matched to your precise business operating system, will do for you.  The second is what clear and concise, professional business forms will do for your business image, among both your peers and your clientele.
As for what your own custom-made forms can do for you, first and foremost they will ask only the questions that you need answers to, providing spaces that are adequate for the types of responses you will typically expect to receive.  There won’t be any random, obscure or overly generalized fields that don’t apply to the way you conduct your business, and the fields will be laid out in a manner that typifies the sequence in which you will need the procedure to follow, on your terms.  And you will be able to produce as many copies as you have need of, in different colors for streamlined designating and filing purposes. And you will save yourself tons of time and frustration by having your forms, your way.

As for what custom-made forms can do for your image goes, most people know what generic forms look like as they contain a bunch of generalized fields and irrelevant directives that could be used for any number of businesses, which makes your business appear to not be fully established, or worse, not doing well enough to be able to afford your own specialized forms.  Having your own forms will additionally show your clientele that you care enough about the issues at hand that you appropriated fields for information-gathering of the very sort.

So the reasons for specialized forms are plentiful, and chances are, you already know exactly how your form would look, just based on your having to use forms you don’t want for so long.  It’s time.