Running a successful small business is tough. Competition is tight, profit margins are low, and regulations are stifling. If you are a small business owner, you have got to make the most out of every dollar spent. Going hand-in-hand with this effort is cutting costs where you can. Below are three of the simplest business-hacks that will save you and your small business money.
Become an Expert
Depending upon the type of small business you own, you ought to consider becoming a recognized expert in your area. Though this takes time and effort, being seen as an expert will save you loads of advertising and marketing costs in the long run.
Ways to become an expert include writing articles for your local newspaper and community blogs, calling into local talk radio and morning radio programs, appearing on television broadcasts, and teaching classes.
DIY Business Forms
All small businesses need forms, which, when they are all added up can set you back quite a bit. Thankfully, they do not have to cost so much nowadays since there are quality online services that will provide you with customized forms for your small business. Some of the more common forms are registration forms, service request forms, work order forms, rental agreement forms, and receipt forms. What’s especially great about these online services is that they will let you order small quantities of business forms.
Advertise Your Location on Everything
If your business has an online presence, which it should, you must shout out your URL loud and proud. Place your URL on your business cards, your e-business cards, your email signature, your letterhead and envelopes, your uniforms and vehicles, press releases, and any promotional items you give away. After all, you want potential clients and customers to know how to get in touch with you, and the more you market and advertise your small business yourself, the less you have to spend to have others do so on your behalf.
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